Homeopathic fertility treatment
Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating each individual as a whole, recognizing that imbalances in one area can impact overall health and reproduction function. As my approach embraces the holistic nature of homeopathy, taking into account all of the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your individual situation, ensuring both you and your partner will be in optimal health and wellness whilst moving through the fertility protocol.
By delving into the underlying causes of fertility challenges, homeopathy seeks to restore harmony and promote natural conception. Natural fertility options are not only beneficial for your “trying to conceive” outcomes but also the pre-conception homeopathic treatment can benefit the health and well-being of your future generations. With infertility, female reproductive concerns, and declining sperm counts on the rise, many couples are seeking alternative options when trying to conceive.
The results that you can expect from homeopathic fertility treatment are rapid. It is common for a woman’s cycle to change within weeks of commencing homeopathic treatment. If the period had previously been too light and a brown murky color, the period will often transition to a healthier bright red decent flow. For women who have had a sporadic irregular cycle, this will typically be regulated into a 28-ish day cycle. Women who previously had no cervical mucous will often notice a great increase as they approach ovulation along with a boost in sex drive. This shows that estrogen levels are peaking correctly, and eggs are almost certainly being released. We recommend a day 21 progesterone blood test or ovulation strips to confirm if the couples aren’t sure. Some women notice that PMS disappears, premenstrual bloating diminishes or is resolved completely, and cramps lesson or disappear. These are all signs that the body is not regulating hormones correctly. Getting a sperm analysis 3 months after treatment is the best way to show progress from the homeopathic treatment for males.
There are several factors contributing to the high rates of infertility among men and women today. What we are currently finding in practice is that after years and potentially decades on the Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP), ovulation and the associated cascade of hormones that you would expect are not returning in balance, making it very difficult for couples to conceive. This can show up as poor quality cervical mucus, a luteal phase defect, or simply low progesterone and hormone imbalance, PCOS, endometriosis, high sugar inflammatory diets and later age of trying to conceive are all factors contributing to the increased difficulty in falling pregnant.
We are also finding that men make up a large percentage of our infertility cases. A research trial of 45 sub-fertile men showed that homeopathy improved sperm count, motility, and morphology. Homeopathic remedies have also been shown to help men in the area of sexual performance. The stress of infertility can be destructive for even the strongest of relationships. A great portion of men coming through the clinic are experiencing sexual anticipatory anxiety, which can affect erectile function, performance, and or ejaculation. Constitutionally recommended homeopathic medicines are useful in this situation. Sometimes just being reassured that sexual dysfunction is very common and is not a reflection on their relationship is enough to help a couple relax a little bit.
How does homeopathy boost fertility?
Each homeopathic remedy prescribed in a fertility protocol has a key action in boosting fertility. These are the key areas that I address for each couple after taking a thorough case history.
Regulating the menstrual cycle.
We look at the length of the menstrual cycle, the length of the period, and the color of the blood to determine hormonal imbalances that may be impacting fertility. While some hormonal imbalances are genetic, it is extremely common for women to experience hormonal imbalances after years of shutting